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Drupal has contained language files which carry the majority of labels and messages that you can perceive while utilizing your website. Plus, it facilitates you to change language strings utilized in Drupal.
But, How..? Below we have attempted to respond to your inquiries by introducing you a few different ways to deal with language string interpretation in Drupal:
Avail String Override Drupal Module
This module settles on an extraordinary decision for small scale string interpretations only. It empowers you to find the strings you have to translate with the new ones in a matter of seconds. For this, you have to go to our step-by-step configuration as well as an installation guide:
Step 1: Download & Install Module
Step 2: From the configuration menu, trigger your module
Step 3: After that move ahead & translate your language string
Handle User-Defined Strings with String Translation Module
If this module (along with the .po files), then it empowers you to interpret hard-coded language strings. However, the String Translation module engages you to decipher the client characterized ones, as well.
Likewise, another significant determination that we have to make is – this is an API module! It does not function in as an independent arrangement, but instead, support other different modules from the Internationalization gathering.
What’s more, with regards to the “User Interface” that you get the opportunity to utilize to interpret language strings in Drupal by utilizing this specific module. You only need to realize that it’s joined in the confinement framework:
Go to “Administer” > “Site building” > “Translate interface” for deciphering your client characterized language strings.
Translate Language Strings in Drupal with Strings Overrides Module in Settings.php
You will get the chance to do the whole procedure in the settings.php file, where you don’t require to download, install and configure any additional module; rather you just need to add (because everything occurs in Drupal core.)
However, you ought to be completely mindful that this technique is not for the unpractised either. We will not hide anything from you: it requires a specific degree of coding “skill”.
Note: If “English” is not the default language on your Drupal website, then ensure to make changes in the cluster key area locale_custom_string_en so it ought to reflect the real language on your Drupal site!
Now, hope you get the ways to translate language strings in your Drupal site! If you think that, you have found other increasingly powerful approaches to translate your language strings, then you can share with us in the comment section below.
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LN Webworks
Your Drupal Solution PartnerLN Webworks have championed open-source technologies for nearly a decade, bringing advanced engineering capabilities and agile practices to some of the biggest names across media, entertainment, education, travel, hospitality, telecommunications and other industries.